08 Jan Lasting Impressions ~ Geof’s Monthly Message ~ January 2018
Happy New Year! I am so please to share with you my new book to be released this month called Lasting Impressions A Medium’s Cherished Messages from Spirit.
Lasting Impressions commemorates my twenty-five inspiring years as a professional intuitive medium providing messages from spirit that gifted the sitters and me with precious messages of kindheartedness and inspired insight. The messages shared in Lasting Impressions—both personal and universal—will have unique significance for you depending on your life experiences. The magnificence of mediumship is reflected in the brilliant wisdom, expansive understanding, and affectionate feeling of thoughtfulness it offers those open to receive it. My responsibility as an intuitive medium is to provide messages with precision, purpose, and reason from your loved ones in spirit. Optimal spirit communication occurs when the spirit, the sitter, and the medium are focused, present, and completely open. This synergy increases the likelihood that the message will be strong, clearly received, and well understood.
Spirit communication is magically mysterious! Should you decide to get a reading, remember that the process is managed by your loved ones in spirit, but everyone involved plays an important part. Extraordinary communication occurs when the considerations and intentions of the medium, sitter, and spirit are aligned.
Writing Lasting Impressions strengthened my gratefulness for the miraculous messages received from spirit over the years. As I reflected on my experiences as an intuitive medium, I realized how spiritually mystical and divine each soul is, and that souls maintain an everlasting connection. Life is eternal and love is forever.
Book reviews for Lasting Impressions
“Lasting Impressions by Geof Jowett has been brilliantly crafted to teach us about four vitally important aspects of spirit communication. With fearless honesty, he teaches us what it’s like to be a medium. With sincere compassion, he teaches us how to be better clients. With deep respect, he teaches us the wants and needs of spirits. And with admirable analysis and introspection, Geof teaches us the purpose of mediumship based on his experiences. This is an unforgettable, eye-opening contribution to understanding spirit communication from a medium’s perspective.”
Bob Olson
Author of Answers About the Afterlife, The Magic Mala and host of AfterlifeTV.com
“Your instincts may have ‘coincidentally’ led you to check out this book if you are on a path of discovering more about yourself and your place in the universe.”
“‘On earth as it is in heaven’ is part of a prayer suggesting we are eternally connected to the Source and thus to ‘all that is.’ Science, through the study of quantum physics, is bringing us closer and closer to this spiritual truth.
This book will give you touching insights into one part of that cosmic dance: the relationship between the spirit world (including pets and signs from nature), you who seek to connect, and the medium who facilitates the connection.
Especially insightful for me were the illustrations of ‘on earth and in heaven.’ The expressions of love, and sometimes forgiveness, from our ‘soul family’ in the spirit world can be very healing for those of us here on earth. But equally helpful and healing are the love, understanding, and sometimes forgiveness that we project to those continuing their spiritual journey in heaven.”
Neal Rzepkowski, MD
Registered medium and 2017/18 president of the Lily Dale Assembly, the international center for spiritualism, Lily Dale, NY
“Jowett is a healer, mystic, and altogether a wonderful spiritual teacher. Science and Spirit mix beautifully with him.”
James Van Praagh
Author of NYT bestseller Talking to Heaven
Book Signings
Please note I will be providing a listing of book signings and lectures in the coming weeks. If you know a spiritual center of bookstore, that may be open to hosting an event please let me know. As always, I greatly appreciate your support and look forward to sharing the magnificence of mediumship as it is reflected in the brilliant wisdom, expansive understanding, and affectionate feeling of thoughtfulness it offers those open to receive it.
Currently, Lasting Impressions can be purchased through the publisher I-Universe at
Soon, it will also be available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.com as a hard copy, paperback, and electronic book.
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