Chakras and Your Well-Being ~ Geof’s Monthly Message ~ June 2018
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Chakras and Your Well-Being ~ Geof’s Monthly Message ~ June 2018


Chakras Influence Your Health and Well-Being

 Your chakras are organizational centers for the reception, assimilation, and transmission of the chi or the energy of life. In my book The Power of I Am Aligning the Chakras of Consciousness, I provide information about the seven major chakras as the centers of consciousness (survival, emotions and sexuality, will power and self-esteem, love, communication and creativity, intuition and insight, wisdom and understanding). Your chakras exist within your subtle body (auric field) and are the psychic energy generators of your life force. Each chakra is a gateways between the various aspects of your human aura (etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual).

Each of your chakras, reflects an aspect of consciousness essential to your life. Chakras are centers for transforming energy and you masterfully select energetic programs that govern your life, and your loves, learning, and lessons. Your chakras exist within your subtle body (auric field) and are the psychic energy generators of your life force. Each chakra is a gateways between the various aspects of your human aura (etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual).

Content of the chakras is formed by repeated patterns from daily actions – demonstrating the tendencies of your personality. Carl Jung identified higher (love based) and lower (fear based) archetypical patterns, frequently used to apply to your life experiences. The Power of I AM defines the two archetypes, for each of the seven major chakras, so you can better understand the characteristics of each.

The archetypes can be thought of as symbolic energetic patterns of perceptions and responses you freely choose. Your physical body is linked to these energy centers, through your nervous and endocrine systems. This demonstrates how your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs affect your physical health and emotional and mental well-being.

Each chakra is a vortex of spinning energy, revolving at a specific frequency. Depending on your choices, your chakras can become imbalanced and spin to fast, slow or in extreme cases become blocked. Longer term deficiencies in chakra spinning can cause mental and emotional dysfunction and physical disease.

The Power of I Am Aligning the Chakras of Consciousness provides insights on how to balance and align each chakra through, prayers, affirmations, gemstones, yoga poses, flowers, music, and activities. Each chakra resonates in harmony with a specific frequency of color (7 main colors of the rainbow) , sound (seven major notes in a scale), etc…It is my hope that this article will encourage you to take time each day with the intention to balance your chakras and harmonize your energy field to life a happier, healthier, and more peaceful existence. Namaste





Please see Geof’s The Power of I Am Aligning the Chakras of Consciousness book available on his website and Amazon.

For the month of June, Order Geof’s The Power of I Am Aligning the Chakras of Consciousness on his website, and receive a meditation CD on Chakra Alignment called Harmonizing the Chakras of Consciousness for just $5.



Geof’s Upcoming Events


Unity Minneapolis

4000 Golden Valley Road

Minneapolis, MN 55422


July 27th

6:30PM – 8:00PM Lasting Impressions Book Lecture and Gallery Event (please contact Unity to register)

July 28th   

9:30AM-12:30PM Communicating with the Spirit World Workshop (please contact Unity to register)

1:00PM-5:00PM In-person spiritual mediumship and soul progression readings (please contact Geof to schedule a reading)


Unity of the Valley

4011 West Highway 13

Savage, MN





July 29th  

1:00PM-3:00PM Aligning Your Chakras of Consciousness Workshop (please contact Unity to register)

Monday, July 30th

10:00AM – 5:00PM In-person readings (please contact Geof to schedule a reading)


Eight Limbs Wellness Center

141 Chautauqua Ave. Lakewood, NY



August 9th

7:00PM – 9:00PM An Evening of Spirit Communication~ Messages from Spirit

August 11th 

11AM – 1PM Develop your Intuition for Spirit Communication Workshop

August 12th Cassadaga, NY



Lily Dale Assembly

Cassadaga, NY


August 12th

9:30AM – 4:30PM  Awareness and Understanding of the Aura Workshop


August 13th

2:00PM- 5:00PM Energy Balance and Chakra Alignment Workshop



Geof Jowett
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