You are a being of light; a multidimensional field of energy referred to as the aura. Your aura is a dynamic, interactive, and open field of energy within and around your physical body. Your energy field is constantly changing according to your thoughts, feeling, emotions, beliefs and attitudes and is influenced by external environmental factors. The purpose of this workshop is to appreciate the anatomy and physiology of your energy field, and to understand the function of its components, such as your etheric, emotional, mental, astral and soul bodies. Leaning how to sense and understand the aura field and its purpose. Interact and share with participants on how to release the emotions, thoughts, and beliefs that cause dysfunction in your life, and disrupt the natural flow of energy within your aura. And most importantly, practice how to align your energy field to promote good physical, emotional, and mental health and well being through meditation and self-reflection exercises.
To register for this workshop, please contact Garden of Grace