Your intuition, the voice of your divine spirit, is your wisest council, greatest healer, and most compassionate friend. The purpose of this self-exploring workshop is to develop awareness, listening skills, and methods to be receptive, perceptive, and understanding of your inner guru. Learn how to receive and implement your intuitive nature into your career, relationships, health and wellbeing, and your soul path. We will explore how to recognize and interpret meaningful intuitive signs and symbols through clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
Geoffrey Jowett is an intuitive medium, author, and educator. With his teachings he enjoys integrating his scientific education and experience in anatomy and molecular biology with his intuitive nature. Geof resides in Palm Springs, CA where he offers mediumship, soul karma and soul progression and chakra balancing readings. Divine Arts Media published his book The Power of I AM Aligning the Chakras of Consciousness, which will be referred to as resource for the workshop. To learn more about Intuitive Medium Geof please visit his website at
To register for this workshop, please contact Innerworks Wellness Center at (909)985-3389. Namaste