Feeling Groovy Wellness Cafe
863 W Foothill Blvd, Claremont
“Karma is the science of our actions and their outcomes” Jeff Armstrong The purpose of this workshop is to become more aware of the current karma you are healing through, and to explore ways to overcome certain karmic circumstances. Through self-reflection excises and in-depth...
Eight Limbs Wellness Studio
141 Chautauqua Avenue, Lakewood
Become aware of how you continuously use your intuitive abilities to perceive and respond to the subtle energies of the spirit world. This workshop will teach you how to develop your own personal signs and symbols to communicate with specific loved ones in spirit....
Unity Minneapolis
4000 Golden Valley Road, Minneapolis
Medium Geof Jowett will demonstrate a variety of spirit communication techniques to provide evidence of the continuity of life. Encouraging and healing messages you’re your loved ones in spirit will be given to random audience members. Experience the mystical magic of a loved ones...