Geof’a Monthly Message ~ June 2019 ~ Soul Agreements
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Geof’a Monthly Message ~ June 2019 ~ Soul Agreements


Soul Agreements

I am often asked by clients, during readings,  why their soul would have chosen challenging and harsh circumstances, and/or difficult relationships within their lifetime. The purpose of a soul to embody into the physical plane, is to remember, or relearn its true nature as a sacred and divine aspect of Universal God Consciousness. Functioning through demanding situations will offer an opportunity of awakening one, to their highest potential, with a greater sense of achievement.

To remain respectful, responsible, reliable, and reasonable in discourteous relationships or disgraceful conditions, empowers the soul with grace, goodness, and love. Ultimately, your soul is to recognize its essence as loving kindness, and to utilize this love to compassionately perpetuate more love and celebrate benevolence. To be redirected back to the awareness of a heavenly being, is a delightful reward and essential accomplishment.

Reflect on the circumstances that have caused you grief, fear, or doubt and realize how these dreadful events helped to advanced your consciousness. Recall the relationships that have imprisoned your mind and destabilized your feelings about yourself, and understand how they are teachers to directing you toward universal knowledge.

No one can heal, inspire, or enlighten you accept your higher self, the voice and understanding of your soul. Many great gurus, inspirational books, and illuminating workshops can present ideas, but ultimately it is up to you to do your inner work, to find your way home to your divine soul awareness. It is of great importance that your understand your soul agreement and choose relationships, careers, hobbies, and situations that  encourage your understanding of your purpose. Know thyself as we have been told for many hundreds of years, by wise gurus. May your journey be filled with light, learning, and higher understanding. Namaste



Geof’s Soul Progression Readings ~ Offered this month at $185

A Soul Progression Reading will provide you with clarity on your life purpose, by exploring your passions, desires, fears, beliefs, and attitudes. You were born into this life with a specific soul agreement that you selected to heal through and the soul progression reading will provide insight into the progress, advancement, and development you have accomplished, so far, in achieving that agreement. Your soul made an agreement with your higher self to heal through past karma, to be inspired with new ideals, and enlightened to higher levels of consciousness. The relationships you choose to participate in, the career path your select, the institutions and clubs you join, the activities you get involve with, your passions, desires, attitudes, beliefs, and fears all contribute to the healing your soul seeks by choosing this incarnation.

Through the process of self-hypnosis, Intuitive Medium Geof will align with universal consciousness and access the Askashic records, or the book of the souls, to explore your soul agreement. By recalling past incarnations, Geof will be provided with insight on the karmic patterns that your soul is healing through and offer awareness of your spiritual path of enlightenment. You will be provided a six to eight page report addressing two questions that you submit, in advance of your scheduled meeting, about your soul.

By providing clarity of your soul agreement you will have a greater understanding of your life purpose and a greater appreciation for the choices you make and how they support or compete with your agreement. Peace of mind, tranquility in your heart and clarity in purpose can support you on the understanding of your higher purpose.

Common questions clients ask with their soul progression readings are:

What karma are am I healing through?
What relationships are challenging or significant to me in this incarnation?
What is my purpose in this lifetime?
Why do I have specific passions or fears in this lifetime?
Why do I have specific physical, emotional, or mental imbalances?
Where have I lived in past incarnations?
What healing does my soul seek in this lifetime?
Why do I keep repeating relationship or fear patterns?
How can I find passion and peace in my life?
What past lives are most significant to my current life?
Who are my soul mates and why are we connected?
For your reading, you will select two specific questions to ask and Geof will obtain universal wisdom to provide insight and healing wisdom


Geof’s Upcoming Events


June 8th

Feeling Groovy Café/Claremont, CA

Exploring Your Karma Workshop (1PM – 4PM)

Gallery Mediumship Demonstration (6:30PM – 8:00PM)

To reserve a seat please contact Feeling Groovy Cafe at (909)480-1711


June 27th through June 30th

Enhanced Wellness Center/Albuquerque, New Mexico

June 27th A Demonstration of Spirit Communication (7PM-8:30PM)

June 29th Energy Balance and Chakra Alignment Workshop (9:30AM – 12:30PM)

June 29th Awareness and Understanding of Your Aura (2PM-5PM)

June 30th Understanding Your Empathic Nature (1PM – 4PM)

To reserve a seat please contact Geof at 562-355-0525


July 6th

The Sacred Journey/Riverside, CA

Exploring Intuition for Everyday Life Workshop (1PM-4PM)

Gallery Mediumship Demonstration (6:30PM – 8:00PM)

To reserve a seat please contact The Sacred Journey at (949) 886-9950.



July 13th

Innerworks Wellness Center/Upland, CA

Exploring Intuition for Everyday Life Workshop (1PM-4PM)

Gallery Mediumship Demonstration (6:30PM – 8:00PM)

To reserve a seat please contact Innerworks at (909)785-3389


July 24th

Unity of the Valley, Savage, MN

Gallery Mediumship Demonstration (6:30PM – 8:00PM)

To reserve a seat please contact Unity of the Valley 952-895-0745


July 26th

Unity Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN

Gallery Mediumship Demonstration (7:00PM – 8:30PM)

To reserve a seat please contact Unity Minneapolis


July 27th

Unity Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN

Integrating Intuition into Your Daily Life Workshop

To reserve a seat please contact Unity Minneapolis


July 28th Unity of the Valley, Savage, MN

Integrating Intuition into Your Daily Life Workshop

To reserve a seat please contact Unity of the Valley 952-895-0745


August 9th Stoneworks Wellness Center/Erie, PA

Gallery Mediumship Demonstration (6:00PM – 7:30PM)

To reserve a seat please contact Stoneworks at 814-528-1468


August 11th Stoneworks Wellness Center/Erie, PA

Developing Your Psychic Abilities Workshop (10AM – 1:00PM)

To reserve a seat please contact Stoneworks at 814-528-1468







Geof Jowett
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