09 Apr Geof’s Monthly Message ~ April 2019 ~Death is a Horizon
“That life is eternal
And love is immortal
And death is only a horizon
Life is eternal
As we move into the light
Ad a horizon is mothing
Save the limit of our sight.”
~Carly Simon
Death is A Horizon
Death is but an illusion! If one’s perception is with the limitations of their physical senses, then they can feel death as ‘the end’. Through their intuitive nature, they can insightfully sense and know that death is a transitional ‘beginning’.
Death is both an ending and beginning, on the cycle of spiritual existence. As the spirit leaves the physical body, the perception of death occurs. Death however, is limited only to the physical body. When the spirit, or the life force, vacates the body, the physical shell disintegrates and dies, as does the ego-mind. The spirit knows that it was only temporarily visiting the physical plane, and was contained within the vehicle of the physical body.
Once free from the physical body, the spirit is renewed to the higher vibration of the spirit world. Spirit reunites with the soul essence of Self and assesses the karmic circumstances of its last physical incarnation.
I believe a vast misconception is that once the spirit leaves the body, it is all-knowing. The consciousness of the spirit is limited to the particular lifetime that was just completed. There is a unique change in perspective with the spirt when it is free from the emotions and fears of the ego-mind. Spirit often communicates to me they acquire the eagle’s perspective and sense things from about, instead of within.
The spirit takes some time to process karmic choices and revitalize. The time period for this self-refection period is influenced by a number of factors such as; how advance the spirit’s consciousness was within the body; how many lifetimes it has completed and the wisdom it obtained; how much heavy karma there is to process; and how enlightened the spirit once, just to name a few. Following a reflective period, the spirit reunites with its home; the soul.
The soul is the mothership of all life experiences, all understandings inspired, all healing attained and all enlightenment realized and remember. The soul then plans a new incarnation and an aspect of it, the spirit, selects a specific attire in physical body form. Just as when one chooses a Halloween costume, with a specific personality, the spirit selects a physical body vehicle, complete with ego-mind, to guide it on the next karmic journey of exploration, inspiration, and enlightenment. The breath of life, and the cycle begins. Breathe! Live! Grow!
April Book Special
To celebrate the one year anniversary of Lasting Impressions A Medium’s Cherished Messages From Spirit order a copy of the book from my website and you can receive $15 any reading. Offer lasts until May 30th, 2019. Namaste
Geof’s Upcoming Events
April 13th
Innerworks Wellness Center/Upland, CA
Understanding Your Chakra Workshop (1PM-4PM)
Gallery Mediumship Demonstration (6:30PM – 8:00PM)
To reserve a seat please contact Innerworks at (909)785-3389
April 27th
Garden of Grace/Lomita, CA
Understanding and Sensing Your Aura Workshop (1PM-5PM
To register for this workshop, please contact Garden of Grace at (310)997-7018
May 4th
Desert Yoga Therapy/ Rancho Mirage, CA
Applying Your Intuitive Nature to Everyday Life Workshop (1PM – 4PM)
To reserve a seat please contact Geof at (562)355-0525
May 10th and 11th
Awakenings Center for Conscious Living/ Laguna Hills, CA
May 10th In-person readings
May 11th Exploring Your Karma: A Workshop of Self-Discovery (1PM -5PM)
To reserve a seat or schedule a reading please contact Awakenings at (949)457-0797
June 27th through June 30th
Enhanced Wellness Center/Albuquerque, New Mexico
June 27th A Demonstration of Spirit Communication (7PM-8:30PM)
June 29th Energy Balance and Chakra Alignment Workshop (9:30AM – 12:30PM)
June 29th Awareness and Understanding of Your Aura (2PM-5PM)
June 30th Understanding Your Empathic Nature (1PM – 4PM)
To reserve a seat please contact Geof at 562-355-0525
July 26th and July 27th Unity Minneapolis, Minneapolis, MN
July 28th Unity of the Valley, Minneapolis, MN
Details Forth coming!
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