Geof’s Monthly Message ~ August 2020 ~Maintaining the Connection With Loved Ones in Spirit
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Geof’s Monthly Message ~ August 2020 ~Maintaining the Connection With Loved Ones in Spirit


Maintaining the Connection With Loved Ones in Spirit

Relationships take time, effort, and energy! You have the choice to select which people you choose to share your life with. The people that you text, phone, visit, or devote time to, should be your most encouraging, inspiring, and enlightening experiences, if you respect and love yourself. Antagonistic relationships can also be very meaningful and important in helping you to understand something about yourself that may need healing or growth.  Relationships are the great mirrors that illustrate to us who we are, what we believe about ourselves,  and what we require to develop and heal.

For those of you that have a special loved one in spirit, these relationships also require your attention, if you want to maintain a connection. There is a great comforting insight that can be provided my communicating with your loved ones in spirit. Spirit has unique and expansive perspectives that can guide and encourage your personal life choices. Your loved ones in spirit will remind you that your choices, such as your feelings, beliefs, words, and actions determine the quality and happiness of your life. I am often asked by clients receiving mediumship readings how to stay connected to their loved ones in spirit. Allow me to provide just a few insights about spirit communication.

First, dedicate a moment of your day to telepathic communications with our loved one in spirit. If you are grieving then schedule a visit to a chair with a blanket or pillow and acknowledge your sadness for a given amount of time. Perhaps you pray with them, read with them or just self-reflect a meaningful time together. Schedule this special time daily to recognize their presence and to sense your feelings.

Then put away your blanket and pillow and make time for your passionate activities or hobbies. You are most able to sense spirit when you elevate your consciousness through joy and happiness. Garden, bike, hike, write, sew, draw, sing, swim, decorate, bake – whatever the activity that brings you joy and releases your mind to peace. Feel your loved one’s presence, in your heart, when you are happy and tranquil.

Self-care is essential for you to be perceptive to the subtle energies of spirit. Proper nutrition, rest, meditation, exercise, and emotional and mental balance are essential to maintain your well-being and to optimize your connection to all loved ones on earth and in spirit.

Make time for your loved ones favorites. Watch their favored sports team, TV show, podcast, or movie, listen to their music, do a hobby they enjoyed, make their beloved food or eat at their favorite restaurant. Set a place at the dinner table now and then and welcome their spirit. Invite their friends for a visit now and then to share memories too.

Invite family members and close friends to talk about your loved ones. Many times people repress their thoughts, and suppress their feelings because they are afraid they might say something hurtful or awkward. Encourage them to tell significant or humorous stories they shared with your loved one in spirit. It may be up to you to teach others how to express their love and to encourage them what is helpful for your healing.

Invite your loved ones presence at family celebrations and holidays. Nurture their memories and reminisce their consequential actions and significance in your life. Connect your family and friends to their memoires and share in receiving the memories of your friends that have loved ones in spirit.

May you find comfort and healing in this message. Know that your loved ones in spirit are always connected to you, even if you are unaware. It is up to you to but the welcome vibe door mat out and open the door to the spiritual dimension to continue your eternal and sacred connections. Namaste


Special Note: Due to the closing of many of the venues I normally teach out in the fall, I have decided to continue to provide individual mentorship programs on the human energy body, intuition, and spirit communication and on-line Zoom workshops.





Intuitive Medium Geof Jowett’s Zoom Workshops

Summer/Fall Programs


Harmonizing Your Chakras of Consciousness Workshop

August 29th   11AM – 2:00PM (Pacific)

~ Offered at $45


Awareness and Understanding of Your Aura Workshop

Saturday, September 12th   11:00AM – 2PM (Pacific)

~ offered at $45


Developing Your Ability to Connect with Loved Ones in Spirit Workshop

Saturday, September 19th from 11AM – 2PM (Pacific)

~Offered at $45


Becoming Friends With Your Higher Self Workshop

Saturday, October 3rd 11AM to 2PM (Pacific)

~0ffered at $45.00


Understanding Natural Law Workshop

Saturday, October  17th from 11AM – 2PM (Pacific)

~ Offered at $45


To register for the workshops,  please contact Geof at  (562)355-0525 or Namaste


Of Special Note: You can select three workshops for a discount of: $125 ($42 per class)

You can select all five workshops for a discount of: $200 ($40 per class)


Geof Jowett
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