Geof’s Monthly Message~ January 2019 ~ Universal Resolutions for 2019
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Geof’s Monthly Message~ January 2019 ~ Universal Resolutions for 2019



Universal Resolutions for 2019

As the illusion of time convinces you to begin a new year, with a list of resolutions to improve your life, I would like to remind you of the divine wisdom of the natural laws that we exist within. By being aware of these laws, and mastering their use, you can manifest a new year of love, happiness, and enlightenment.

These specific set of universal laws applies to all beings, and the energic web that invisibly connects us to all there is. Ignorance of these laws of nature results in suffering, struggles, and distress.

Allow me to briefly remind you of some of the significant natural laws that you can employ to manifest a joyful 2019 of growth and healing.

Law of Vibration states that everything in the Universe, whether seen or unseen,  is energy and resonates with a certain vibratory frequency. Thoughts, words, feelings, and emotions each have their own particular vibratory rate. Engage is the highest frequency of love to arouse your kind and compassionate nature.

Law of Divine Oneness states that everything is connected to everything else. Everything…a tree, the sun, a bumble bee, the wind, a computer is an extension of yourself. As you respect things, you respect and honor yourself.

 Law of Attraction states that the energy that you vibrate with attracts a like frequency of energy. Be conscious of the thought, feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and actions you express for they will attract a like energy to you and they will pull you toward a similar vibration of situations and persons.

Law of Cause and Effect/ Karma states every action, thought, or feeling has a reaction or consequence. Even your attitude and the intention of your actions creates karma. Reflect on your present moment which was created by your past karma and which will manifest your future.

Law of Rhythm states that everything vibrates and dances to certain patterns, cycles, or rhythm.  Consider whether you are align with the harmony of nature and her healing cycles and seasons and create synchronistic vibrations that complement your life path.


Geof’s Upcoming Events

January 25th 1PM – 4PM

Desert Yoga Therapy/Rancho Mirage, CA

Understanding Your Empathic Nature Workshop

To register for this workshop,  please contact Geof at  (562)355-0525


February 9th 1PM – 4PM

Garden of Grace/Lomita, CA

Understanding Your Chakra Workshop

To register for this workshop,  please contact Garden of Grace at  (310)997-7018


February  16th

The Sacred Journey/Riverside, CA

Exploring Your Karma: A Workshop of Self-Discovery (1PM – 4PM)


An Evening of Spirit Communication ~Mediumship Demonstration (6:30PM – 8:00PM)

To reserve a seat please contact The Sacred Journey at 951-786-9950



Geof Jowett
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