03 Sep Geof’s Monthly Message ~Reasons to Connect with Loved Ones In Spirit~ September, 2019
As an intuitive medium, I am often asked why someone would want to communicate with a loved one, that has left the earth plane. There are many reasons to connect with your loved ones in spirit. As a medium, with over twenty-five years of offering spiritual readings, allow me to share some of the main reasons I have found that clients want to connect with their passed loved ones.
Most commonly, clients want validation that the consciousness of their loved one, has survived the death of their physical body. By providing evidence that can be recognized by the sitter, like a special song, a particular life event, the illness that took their life, their favorite food, movies, hobby, or items that the sitter many possess, can validate their presence. It is extraordinary to know that life in continuous and that the spirit of the loved ones is still ‘alive’.
Clients want to know what decreased loved ones were/are present to their to meet the person of interest that passed. It can be of great comfort knowing that your loved ones in spirit find each other and have reunions to share and reflect on special memories. No loved one is left alone. Relatives, even family that they may not have known here in the physical plane, good friends and acquaintances find one another and help each other orient to the spiritual realm.
The spirit world is a pain-free zone and clients find ease in learning that their loved one is free from physical pain and disease. Emotional dysfunction and mental challenges are also released as your loved one reflects on their life and understands the cause and effect of their dysfunctions. It is very reassuring knowing that our loved ones are familiar with the causes of their diseases and dysfunctions and they reevaluate the choices that they made when here on the earth plane.
Of great consequence, is for the sitter to realize that their loved one finds freedom from the guilt, shame, anxiety, to worries they may have possessed here on the earth plane. Self-love, self-esteem, and forgiveness are realized and accepted by your loved one with tier life review.
Often clients want to know if their loved one stays around them. Evidence can be provided during your reading for a special or very subtle visit from your loved one in spirit. Also, your loved one encourage your continuous communication and show that they are around with specific signs and symbols like a song, a dragonfly, a certain flower, or a type of food or location.
To me, the most important messages are the inspirations and insights that guide you on your life journey and encourage your spiritual development. Your loved ones in spirit know you and your soul path very well and can provide valuable insight, out of body and from the eagles perspective. Understandings of family issues, careers, health and wellbeing, obstacles and inspirations can be shared with you from your loved ones.
I enjoy providing you with messages from the spirit world, and I appreciate your support. Many blessings to you and may you see, hear, and most importantly feel the presence of your loved ones in spirit. Namaste!
September Special
Order a signed copy of The Power of I AM Aligning the Chakras of Consciousness and receive a free copy of my meditation CD Harmonizing the Chakras of Consciousness. The CD consists of seven piano solos each in the key of the chakras that you can listen and align with as you read the complementary chakra chapter (e.g. the first meditation of the CD is in the key of C and aligns with the root chakra, etc…)
Geof’s Upcoming Events
Understanding Your Empathic Nature Workshop
Empaths are highly perceptive individuals that experience high levels of compassion, consideration, and understanding and have the hypersensitivity to the vibrations of others and their environments. The purpose of the workshop is the recognize how your empathic nature has the ability to sense the energies of people, animals, plants, locations, and your external environment. You will learn to distinguish the differences between sensing your own feelings, and the feelings of others or your environmental vibrations. You will explore critical techniques to ground your energy, and block or shield the overwhelming energies of others, to safeguard your own energy body. Your empathic ability allows you to appreciate a deep sense of knowing and is beneficial if you are a metaphysical healer, teacher, counselor, coach, or friend. To reserve a seat please contact The Sacred Journey at (949) 886-9950.
Saturday, September 28th 1PM-4PM
The Sacred Journey Riverside, CA
An Evening of Spirit Communication Mediumship Demonstration
I will demonstrate a variety of spirit communication techniques to provide evidence of the continuity of life. Encouraging and healing messages you’re your loved ones in spirit will be given to random audience members. To reserve a seat please contact The Sacred Journey at (949) 886-9950.
Saturday, September 28th 6:30-8:00PM
The Sacred Journey Riverside, CA
An Afternoon of Spirit Communication Mediumship Demonstration
I will demonstrate a variety of spirit communication techniques to provide evidence of the continuity of life. Encouraging and healing messages you’re your loved ones in spirit will be given to random audience members. To reserve a seat please contact Aquarius Books and Gifts 541-479-4000.
Saturday, October 26th 3:00 – 4:30PM
Aquarius Books and Gifts, Grants Pass, OR
Establishing a Spirited Connection to the Spirit World Workshop
Advance your ability to connect with the spirit world using your extrasensory perception (ESP). You will actively explore clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience techniques to develop your link to spirit. Connecting with evidential based information and insightful messages will be emphasized. The comprehensive interpretation of spirit messages will be explored and you will learn how to develop your own personal codes and signs with your spirit guides to assist your mediumship development. Understand the roles of the medium, sitter, and spirit in the communication process and learn how to increase the clarity and understanding of your messages. To reserve a seat please contact Aquarius Books and Gifts 541-479-4000.
Sunday, October 27th 11:00AM – 3:00PM
Aquarius Books and Gifts, Grants Pass, OR
Exploring Your Karma: A Workshop of Self-Discovery
The purpose of this workshop is to become more aware of the current karma you are healing through, and to explore ways to overcome certain karmic circumstances. Through self-reflection excises and in-depth conversations, you will explore the karma in your family, work, and relationships. To register for this workshop, please contact Innerworks Wellness Center at (909)985-3389.
Saturday, November 9th 1:00PM – 4:00PM
Innerworks Wellness Center Upland, CA
An Evening of Spirit Communication Mediumship Demonstration
I will demonstrate a variety of spirit communication techniques to provide evidence of the continuity of life. Encouraging and healing messages you’re your loved ones in spirit will be given to random audience members. To reserve a seat please contact Innerworks Wellness Center at (909)985-3389.
Saturday, November 9th 6:00PM – 7:30 pm
Innerworks Wellness Center Upland, CA
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