Geof’s Monthly Message ~ Reflections~ January 2021
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Geof’s Monthly Message ~ Reflections~ January 2021

Now that 2020 is now behind us what did you learn about yourself? I accomplished more toward my soul healing in creatively communicating my truth and listening more and better understanding the voice of my spirit (I.e. my intuition). 2020 was a unique year of reflection, revaluation, and replenishment. I devoted much more energy to stillness, meditation, prayer, and reflective reading. I know that my perception and actions are all that really matter, and I’m learning to master blocking the fear, anxiety, and division that so many institutions and peoples of our world promote. My higher-self has been a wise and mystically encouraging friend that I’ve learn to trust and respect more than anything else. My family and friend relationships are my greatest gifts. Also, I have learned to always, always allow my magical inner child out to play.

Looking forward we can bring the wisdom of the past to encourage spiritual awareness, positive perceptions, and self-development in 2021. I often ask my family and friends to revisit your intentions for each and evert action since karma will find you. Instead of resolutions, perhaps you can explore intentions of self-respect, resourcefulness, responsibility, and your ability to reason for a consciousness new year. May you be blessed with many wonderful and magical experiences in the year ahead. Namaste


Medium Geof’s Angels

The confines and self-reflection guided me to paint angels in 2020. Although I have had no formal training to paint, I have been inspired to provide acrylic angel paintings with the description of the angels using the colors I use in my chakra book and work, and my psychic ribbon readings. Each evening, I am provided higher insights to paint an angel that vibrates with a specific energy to encourage, inspire, heal, or enlighten. Please visit my Facebook (Geoffrey Jowett), Instagram (mediumgeof), or Tumblr (Medium Geof’s Angels) to see some of my work. I offer custom angels that demonstrate your chakra (aura) colors and/or soul purpose. In my first two months of painting, I have sold over 50 angels. I look forward to sharing the inspirations from the angels with you. If you are interested in an angel painting please contact me at I am providing a fundraiser for St. Jude Children’s with 10% of all sales.


Geof’s Upcoming Events

Please note that for the first quarter of 2021, I will continue to provide workshops, mentorships, and mediumship gallery demonstrations online (Zoom) for safety and convenience I will let you know when in-person events will resume in the near future. Please stay safe and healthy.

Intuition Workshop Series

These five 75 minute zoom sessions will be conducted with a group of no more then 8 students. Each student is encouraged to journal the exercises during class snd to complete the homework lessons. The objective of this workshop is to provide you information and insights, and self-reflection and meditation exercises to become more aware of your intuitive abilities. To share this experience with interactive and engaging lessons during class, and self-guided lessons outside of class, you will master your ability to recognize and develop your deep intuitive nature. All five sessions offered at $150.


Tuesday evenings from 6-7:15pm Pacific (9-10:15eastern)

January 19, 26

February 2, 9, and 16

Session 1: Intuition: The Voice of Your Spirit

Session 2: Signs and Symbols

Session 3: Intuitive seeing: Clairvoyance

Session 4: Intuitive Hearing: Clairaudience

Session 5: Intuitive Sensing: Clairsentience

To register, please email me at Class limited to ten. 🙏🏻💚


An Evening of Spirit Communication : Mediumship Gallery Demonstration On-Line Events

A mediumship gallery demonstration event will be held on Zoom for 6 to 9 individuals. Each person will receive approximately an 8 – 12 minute spiritual reading during this one hour event. Medium Geof Jowett will demonstrate a variety of intuitive spiritual reading techniques such as mediumship, soul progression, aura and chakra assessment, and psychic ribbon readings. You may choose which type of reading you would like to receive. Encouraging and healing messages from your loved ones in spirit will be given to each member, as well as insights on karma, soul agreements, and energy body assessments. Experience the mystical magic of a loved ones in spirit expressing messages to someone they love. Sessions are limited to seven people at a cost of $30 per person. Please contact Geof to register for one or all these events by sending a message to me at Namaste

January 14th 6PM – 7PM (Pacific)

February 4th 6PM – 7PM (Pacific)

February 25th 6PM – 7PM (Pacific)


Mediumship Development Circle Classes

I am pleased to be offering an on-line Mediumship Development Circle to help you develop your ability to communicate with your loved ones in spirit. The circle will consist of no more than 10 participants, and you are encouraged to attend at least four of the seven Wednesday night classes on the zoom platform. Each 75 minute class with focus on one aspect of spirit communication. The class format will be the same each week with a prayer, mediumship exercise, mediation, mediumship exercise, and closing with a prayer.

Class dates: Wednesdays (January 13, 20, 27/February 3, 10, 17,&  24) from 6PM to 7:15PM Pacific

Cost is $135 for all seven classes.

It is my passion to share and encourage the expansion of consciousness through the communication with the spirit world. I hope you can join me for this fun and encourage adventure. To register please email me at . Namaste

Geof Jowett
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