Geof’s Monthly Message ~  Spirit Communication~ September 2021
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Geof’s Monthly Message ~  Spirit Communication~ September 2021


Spirit Communication

The main purpose of spirit communication is to support the natural law that life is continuous and eternal! Therefore, consciousness survives the death of the physical body. Beyond that, spirits have many reasons to give messages, such as those of encouragement, direction, appreciation, and wisdom. As a sitter, you may also seek knowledge about your karma, soul agreements, and the emotional and mental obstacles preventing you from knowing peace and joy.

When you receive a reading, your loved ones in spirit present themselves according to several variables. These usually include: the most pressing issues in your life, the amount of comfort the spirit has with the medium, your own level of awareness, and most important, your intentions for the reading. Certain spirits may present messages relating to particular issues and circumstances in your life. For example, each spirit may choose to provide messages in a certain area or areas, such as career, parenting, family conflicts, romance, karma, life path, health issues, and many more.

Just as you have free will to have a reading, your loved ones in spirit have the freedom to choose whether or not they will communicate during the reading. It’s rare that specific loved ones don’t show up for a reading. They are usually most eager to share messages to support and encourage your spiritual growth and your earthly well-being. The sequence in which spirits present themselves during a reading is astonishing to me. They know when they have information that will be most helpful for you at any given time.

The magic, or mysticism, of a reading is how your loved ones inspire the mind of the medium to present original messages you will recognize or can verify after the reading. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. For the medium, the process involves opening the mind to act like a blank movie screen to allow spirits to send images, feelings, and sounds that both the medium and sitter can relate to and understand. A message can have many layers, with both literal and symbolic significance. It’s up to you, the sitter, to fully and personally interpret the message.

It’s vital for the spirit, the medium, and the sitter (you) to all actively work to support the enchanted process of mediumship. The more engaged you are with the process, the more insightful wisdom and compassionate understanding you will obtain from the reading. Be open, honest, and willing to research the things that don’t make sense to you at the time of the reading. I feel it’s most important for you to record the reading and/or take notes during the reading so you can refer to the messages later and perhaps gain a higher awareness from them.

It’s my pleasure to serve as the intermediary between you and your loved ones in spirit, to help share their communications so you can feel their presence and know their love. A medium isn’t always necessary because your loved ones are constantly communicating with genuine signs and messages of encouragement. However, a medium may be able to bring in more specific messages and provide more clarity and understanding or a different perspective.

 Note: From Lasting Impressions A Medium’s Cherished Messages from Spirit by Geof


New Arrivals from Geof

Blessed By Angels Oracle Cards


Geof created a 61-card deck of colorful oracle angle cards, from his vibrant acrylic paintings. The cards were created with the spiritual meaning of colors and specific sign and symbols, to enrich the words of wisdom on each card.

Angels encourage, heal, inspire, and enlighten us! Allow these angel cards to provide you with insight and guidance on our earthbound journey. The voice of your spirit is your intuition ~use your higher self to direct you on how to use these cards with the intentions of love and grace. May you be blessed by angels, and sense their messages through these images, and words that I have created with Heavenly assistance. This beautiful deck of 61 angel oracle cards (2.75′ by 4.75′) are made with smooth surfaces and are shipped in a custom angel tuck box. Please visit my new Now offered at $26.99


Blessed By Angel Paintings

Each angel is created with a specific color scheme to enhance the message of the angel. The spiritual meaning of colors are used, such as chakra colors, for the background, gown and items in the painting. Geof using acrylic on canvas to create the angel in a four-part process First several colors are carefully selected in the background to provide a vibrational energy to the painting. Second, the shape and color of the wings are created to complement the spiritual message of the painting. Third, the gown is painted to convey the purpose of the angel, and the direction the angel faces and the position of the arms also complement the message. Last, certain items are added to the angel to augment the message such as flowers or other symbols.

Geof can custom design an angel with a loved ones in spirit (including pets) or an angel that represented your karma and life pathing the archetypes of the chakras and the spiritual meaning of colors. He offers paintings in 5” by 7, 8’ by 10’, and 11’ by 14’. Please visit my new


Geof’s Upcoming Fall Events

Spirit Communication Developmental Circles for the Fall, 2021

 Option 1: Tuesday Evening sessions on in-person (7 sessions for $135)

Palm Springs Tuesday evenings at 6PM – 7:15 PM Pacific

September 7,14,21,28

October 12, 19, 26

Option 2: Wednesday Evening sessions Zoom (7 sessions for $135)

Zoom Wednesday evening at 6PM – 7:15PM

September 8,15,22,29

October 13, 20, 27

The main purpose of the mediumship development circle is to improve your unique abilities of communicating with your loved ones in spirit and establish an effective messaging system. This interactive and engaging online workshop allows you to establish, expand, and enhance your abilities to hear (clairaudience), see (clairvoyance) and feel (clairsentience) messages, understand their meaning and receive the healing, inspiring and loving messages of from spirit. Guidelines for spirit communication are shared and how to develop your own personal “spirit code” so that you may more comprehensively realize and appreciate messages gifted to you.



Develop Communication with Your Pets in Spirit Zoom Workshop

September 16th 3PM – 6PM (Pacific) Zoom Event Online

The main purpose of the mediumship class is to improve your unique abilities of communicating with your pets in spirit and establish an effective messaging system. This interactive and engaging 3 hour online workshop allows you to establish, expand, and enhance your abilities to hear (clairaudience), see (clairvoyance) and feel (clairsentience) messages, understand their meaning and receive the healing, inspiring and loving messages of from pets in spirit. Guidelines for spirit communication are shared and how to develop your own personal “spirit code” so that you may more comprehensively realize and appreciate messages gifted to you. Offered at $65




Discover the Art of Intuitive Angel Card Readings

September 23rd  5PM – 7PM (Pacific) Zoom Event Online

This workshop is designed to help you utilize oracle cards to psychically and intuitively provide insights from the angels,  your spirit and guides. Geof will demonstrate methods of using his new deck of Blessed by Angels Oracle Cards. You will learn and explore several various card to provide spiritual messages for yourself, or others, on life path and soul agreements, soul messages, karma, career path, relationships, your energy body and much more. You will also create your own card and ribbon reading for obstacles and opportunities, with Geof’s guidance, to become enlightenment and inspired. Master the art of using cards and ribbons to enhance your insights from the angels and your higher self. Offered at $45 Please contact Geof at to register.



Psychic Gallery Event with Angel Cards and Ribbons

September 30 6PM- 7:15PM Pacific (Zoom Event Online)

Each person attending will receive an psychic reading with the use of oracle cards and colored ribbons. Present an opportunity and an obstacle in your life, and Geof will provide insights through the use of his angel deck and colored ribbons as they relate to your energy field. The presentation is offered to 8 people at $40 Please contact Geof at to register.


Angel Painting Workshop Zoom

October 23rd  10AM – Noon  Pacific (Zoom Event Online)

This class is for all levels or artists and is more focused on the spiritual meaning of colors and creating spiritual symbology in your painting. You may paint an angel that represents your soul path, karma, and healing you are seeking in this lifetime OR an angel that represents a loved one in spirit. Geof will provide mini-lectures on the human energy field, karma, chakras and the archetypes and the use of symbols and signs to help you create the perfect angel. The spiritual colors of the background, angels, and items in the painting, the direction the angel faces, the and the item the angel holds will all complement the theme of your soul agreement or your connection to a loved one in spirit. To register for the workshop please contact Geof at is $50.  May you be blessed by angels!





Geof Jowett
  • joanne rexford
    Posted at 12:12h, 22 September

    my friend read m from the bible,that said there willbe no marrages in heaven, and we will not be together in heaven. i have read differenCAN YOU TELL ME THE TRUTH.??t,

    • Geof Jowett
      Posted at 12:11h, 23 September

      Joanne, There is no separation within our hearts between those we love. Don will be with you again. I believe completely in the afterlife. Much Peace, Geof