Geof’s Monthly Message ~ Spiritual Art ~ June 2021
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Geof’s Monthly Message ~ Spiritual Art ~ June 2021


Spirit has encouraged me to express wisdom, encouragement, and inspiration from the higher vibrations of the spirit world and beyond. I provide spiritual readings using my intuition, the knowledge of my soul, and communicating with your loved ones in spirit. I wrote four books about the energy body and spirit communication and created two meditation CDs to help you connect with your higher self and spirit. Now my call to serve spirit had an additional mission- to express consciousness through spirital art.

Specifically, I have been asked to share angels, higher beings of communication to help me convey the magic and mystical messages and symbols from spirit and higher consciousness. Words can be a beautiful expression of the human experience, but art, nature, and music can provide a more comprehensive understanding and knowing from the vibration of universal consciousness.

Angels are defined as spiritual beings that are messengers of God Source or higher consciousness. Their purpose is to convey the divine wisdom and sacred understanding of all there is. I believe they are an extension of our very own consciousness.

Spirit guides me to use specific color combinations that express their wisdom and celebrate their beingness. Using the colors of the human chakra system, and the energy of colors in general, I am directed to share the vibrational energy of spirit. The position of the angel, the items in the painting with the angel, and the composition of the painting is a unifying message to heal, awaken, and hearten your very own spirit.

May I encourage you to visit my new website (connected to called You may register on my new site to receive insights from the angels and learn about my upcoming events. May you be blessed by angels.  May you be blessed by angels!


New Arrivals from Geof


Blessed By Angels Greeting Cards

Blessed by Angels Greeting Cards


Each of the three Blessed By Angels Greeting Cards designs were created with nine of Geof’s angel paintings on the front, and a blank interior, so you may write your own personal messages inside. These all occasion cards are 5.5” by 4.25” and are packaged with an envelope. You may order packages of 6 cards ($11) or 12 cards($21) and share the blessings of angels with family and friends.


Blessed By Angels Oracle Cards

Angel Tarot Cards group 1

Geof created a 61-card deck of colorful oracle angle cards, from his vibrant acrylic paintings. The cards were created with the spiritual meaning of colors and specific sign and symbols, to enrich the words of wisdom on each card.


Angels encourage, heal, inspire, and enlighten us! Allow these angel cards to provide you with insight and guidance on our earthbound journey. The voice of your spirit is your intuition ~use your higher self to direct you on how to use these cards with the intentions of love and grace. May you be blessed by angels, and sense their messages through these images, and words that I have created with Heavenly assistance. This beautiful deck of 61 angel oracle cards (2.75′ by 4.75′) are made with smooth surfaces and are shipped in a custom angel tuck box.


Blessed By Angel Paintings

Each angel is created with a specific color scheme to enhance the message of the angel. The spiritual meaning of colors are used, such as chakra colors, for the background, gown and items in the painting. Geof using acrylic on canvas to create the angel in a four-part process First several colors are carefully selected in the background to provide a vibrational energy to the painting. Second, the shape and color of the wings are created to complement the spiritual message of the painting. Third, the gown is painted to convey the purpose of the angel, and the direction the angel faces and the position of the arms also complement the message. Last, certain items are added to the angel to augment the message such as flowers or other symbols.


Geof can custom design an angel with a loved ones in spirit (including pets) or an angel that represented your karma and life pathing the archetypes of the chakras and the spiritual meaning of colors. He offers paintings in 5” by 7, 8’ by 10’, and 11’ by 14’.



Geof’s Upcoming Summer Events

Friday June 4th 10:AM – Noon Zoom Event Online

Discover the Art of Intuitive Angel Card Readings

This workshop is designed to help you utilize oracle cards and colored ribbons to psychically and intuitively provide insights from the angels,  your spirit and guides. Geof will demonstrate methods of using his new deck of Blessed by Angels Oracle Cards. You will learn and explore several various card and ribbon distributions to provide spiritual messages for yourself, or others, on life path and soul agreements, soul messages, karma, career path, relationships, your energy body and much more. You will also create your own card and ribbon reading for obstacles and opportunities, with Geof’s guidance, to become enlightenment and inspired. Master the art of using cards and ribbons to enhance your insights from the angels and your higher self. ~offered at $45 Please contact Geof at to register.


Saturday, June 5th 10:AM – Noon Zoom Event Online

Discover the Art of Intuitive Angel Card Readings

This workshop is designed to help you utilize oracle cards and colored ribbons to psychically and intuitively provide insights from the angels,  your spirit and guides. Geof will demonstrate methods of using his new deck of Blessed by Angels Oracle Cards. You will learn and explore several various card and ribbon distributions to provide spiritual messages for yourself, or others, on life path and soul agreements, soul messages, karma, career path, relationships, your energy body and much more. You will also create your own card and ribbon reading for obstacles and opportunities, with Geof’s guidance, to become enlightenment and inspired. Master the art of using cards and ribbons to enhance your insights from the angels and your higher self. ~offered at $45 Please contact Geof at to register.



June 15th 6:30-7:30PM (Eastern) Zoom Event

Discover the Art of Intuitive Angel Card Readings Zoom Event Online

This workshop is designed to help you utilize oracle cards and colored ribbons to psychically and intuitively provide insights from the angels,  your spirit and guides. You will learn and explore several various card and ribbon distributions to provide spiritual messages for yourself, or others, on life path and soul agreements, soul messages, karma, career path, relationships, your energy body and much more.

~offered at $30 online. Please contact



June 17th 7:45PM-8:45PM (Eastern)

Understanding Your Karma Presentation Online

Explore your karma! This presentation will encourage you to expand your awareness of the use of your freewill, and the consequences of your choices. Karma is the natural law of love, since it a precisely echoes and specifically  replies to your action, words, and thoughts vibrations, and most importantly, your intentions. It is a very effective feedback mechanism gifted to you, to help you understand your soul agreement, and the progression your soul has made in the healing it seeks. ~offered at $30 online. Please contact


June 30th 6:00PM – 7:00PM

An Evening of Spirit Communication Online (SOLD Out)

Medium Geof Jowett will demonstrate a variety of intuitive spiritual reading techniques such as mediumship, soul progression, aura and chakra assessment, and psychic ribbon readings. Encouraging and healing messages from your loved ones in spirit will be given to random audience members, as well as insights on karma, soul agreements, and energy body assessments. Experience the mystical magic of a loved ones in spirit expressing messages to someone they love. Offered at $30. Please contact Geof at to register. Event limited to 6 people so everyone gets a reading.


July 8th 5PM – 7PM (Pacific) Zoom Event Online

Discover the Art of Intuitive Angel Card Readings

This workshop is designed to help you utilize oracle cards and colored ribbons to psychically and intuitively provide insights from the angels,  your spirit and guides. Geof will demonstrate methods of using his new deck of Blessed by Angels Oracle Cards. You will learn and explore several various card and ribbon distributions to provide spiritual messages for yourself, or others, on life path and soul agreements, soul messages, karma, career path, relationships, your energy body and much more. You will also create your own card and ribbon reading for obstacles and opportunities, with Geof’s guidance, to become enlightenment and inspired. Master the art of using cards and ribbons to enhance your insights from the angels and your higher self. ~offered at $45 Please contact Geof at to register.




July 30 9:30AM – 12:30Pm (Eastern)

Understanding Your Empathic Self In-Person or Zoom Workshop

Lily Dale Assembly

Cassadaga, NY


Empaths are highly perceptive individuals who experience high levels of compassion, consideration, and understanding, and are hypersensitive to the vibrations of others and their environments. Learn to recognize how your empathic nature has the ability to sense the energies of people, animals, plants, locations, and your external environment. Distinguish the differences between sensing your own feelings and sensing the feelings of others. Explore critical techniques to both ground your energy and block or shield the overwhelming energies of others, to safeguard your own energy body while allowing you to appreciate your deep sense of knowing. Offered at $50 please visit : to learn more or register.


July 31. 10AM-noon (Eastern)

Exploring Your Karma: A Workshop of Self-Discovery

Eight Limbs Studio

Lakewood, NY


The purpose of this workshop is to become more aware of the current karma you are healing through, and to explore ways to overcome certain karmic circumstances.  Through self-reflection excises and in-depth conversations, you will explore the karma in your family, work, and relationships.


The law of karma exists for the main purpose of love, and to make you a more enlightened being. Karma is designed to build you up, heal and help you with your spiritual development toward your higher self and is not meant to punish you or break you down. Karma can be expressed as the great equalizer, balancer and harmonizer of your life.  So lovingly this law precisely reflects back to you the effects of your actions. Using your free will you can alter your actions to create different karma. As you make choices, you demonstrate your will and intent and therefore generate karma. Understand how your karma is regulating and developing your soul to be healed, enlightened and to be in harmony with the universal consciousness. To register for the workshop please contact Eight Limbs at 716-763-7665.




August 14th

Angel Painting Workshop

StoneWorks Wellness Center, Erie, PA

This class is for all levels or artists and is more focused on the spiritual meaning of colors and creating spiritual symbology in your painting. You may paint an angel that represents your soul path, karma, and healing you are seeking in this lifetime OR an angel that represents a loved one in spirit. Geof will provide mini-lectures on the human energy field, karma, chakras and the archetypes and the use of symbols and signs to help you create the perfect angel. The spiritual colors of the background, angels, and items in the painting, the direction the angel faces, the and the item the angel holds will all complement the theme of your soul agreement or your connection to a loved one in spirit. To register for the workshop please contact StoneWorks Wellness Center at (814)528-1468. May you be blessed by angels!

Geof Jowett
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