Geof’s  Monthly Message ~ The Afterlife ~ June 2022
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Geof’s  Monthly Message ~ The Afterlife ~ June 2022


As your loved one returns to the higher and sacred vibrations of the spirit world, they are greeted by an assembly of family and friends. This welcoming reunion will help your loved one get oriented and comfortable in their new surroundings. Those that passed before them, where there is a deep connection and affection will be in the front of the line.

The afterlife is a higher vibrational plane of peace, contentment, and joy. Your loved ones in spirit reflect on their past live and determine what actions best supported their healing and the removal of karma. The life review allows your loved one an opportunity to witness their thoughts, beliefs, and actions and the consequences of their choices. Importantly, they recall their intentions of their earthly activities and determine what other choices may have better fulfilled their soul agreement.

Soul family members meet your loved one in spirit, and orient them on their path of self-reflection and renewing the energy of their spirit. Visitations with spirit family allows your loved one to learn about the importance of their relationships as a means to mirror back to them their own thoughts, feelings, actions, and attitudes. Fellowship and meaningful stories are recalled to help your loved one consider their past life as they visit with family and friends.

Your loved ones in spirit remain always connected to your spirit and encourage and inspire your dreams, feelings, and messages through nature, friends, music, and many creative ways. They witness your choices and feel your feelings which helps them to review their past life and the progression of their soul and yours. Just call to them and they will be present to guide and support you. Love is the language of the spirit world so feel them within your heart.

Ideas of a new incarnation are considered and planned with the help of spirit guides and soul family members.  The healing and inspiration of the growth and development of their soul, and the souls of their family are considered. As life is eternal, and the journey of enlightenment continues, your loved one will plan another incarnation, most likely with your input and with consideration for your role with one another as parent and child, siblings, grandparents, lovers, or friends.

Significantly, your life choices influences not only what you manifest in your life, but it helps your loved one in spirit to observe different choices that they can consider as they witness your life. The Afterlife is filled with a greater understanding and appreciation for your divine and eternal self.


June Monthly Special


Psychic Ribbon Readings offered at $65 ($20 saving through June 30).

Intuitive Medium Geof uses over 20 colored ribbons to provide insights on soul agreements, romance, career, family, spiritual development, health and wellness, and general life path questions during the reading. The individual color of the ribbons and the combination of the color pattern will provide insight and guidance as Geof related the colors to your auric field. Prepare several questions before the reading and you can take photos of the ribbon combination patterns.



Geof’s Upcoming Events


Finding Peace ~ A Meditation Workshops Series on Zoom

Thursdays at 4:30 – 5:30PM  Pacific June 14th, 21th & 28th


As we recover from the challenges and many unexpected obstacles from the last two years, we are facing unprecedented times. Our anxious emotions and worried thoughts have encouraged doubts, fears, and unforeseen challenges, influencing our relationships, personal growth and sense of wellbeing. Finding and maintaining peace of mind is critical and essential to knowing harmony, happiness, and contentment. Meditation practices are an effective way to align your consciousness with peace and enjoyment. Join my for a three-part series on mindful meditation for the novice, and learn how to control your thoughts and find your way to inner stillness and peace of mind. To register for the meditation series please email Geof at Limited class size of eight. Offered at $50

Peace be with you (and within you). Namaste


Awareness and Understanding of Your Aura and Chakras

Hosted by AcQpoint Wellness Center Palm Desert, CA

Dates: June 20, 27, July11 & 18  6:00PM – 7:00 PM


The purpose of this  four part workshop is to appreciate the anatomy and physiology of your aura field and chakras, and to understand the function of its components, such as your etheric, emotional, mental, astral and soul bodies, the chakras.  Leaning how to sense and understand the aura field and its purpose.  Interact and share with participants on how to release the emotions, thoughts, and beliefs that cause dysfunction in your life, and disrupt the natural flow of energy within your aura and chakras. And most importantly, practice how to align your energy field and chakras to promote good physical, emotional, and mental health and well-being through meditation and self-reflection exercises. To register for the meditation series please email Geof at


Aligning Your Chakras of Consciousness Zoom Workshop

June 11th at 9AM – Noon  Pacific

To register:


Explore the your seven centers of consciousness and understand how to kepp your chakras in alignment and balanced. To register for the meditation series please email Geof at


June 30th 6PM – 7PM Pacific Zoom

Book Clubs: Proof of Heaven by Eben Alexander

Please join us to review the main concepts and ideas of NDR’s through the eye

To register for the meditation series please email Geof at



Don’t forget to visit my spiritual art website at


Geof Jowett
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