Giraffe Magic ~ Geof’s Monthly Message ~February 2023
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Giraffe Magic ~ Geof’s Monthly Message ~February 2023

Happy Valentines Day! I would like to introduce you to my newest services called Giraffe Magic. The animal medicine fo the giraffe teaches you to be grounded and centered in your truth and to see things from the higher perspective.

A supplement to teaching metaphysical workshops and providing spiritual readings, is a new spiritual/life coaching service I now provide. Based on your specific needs, I can work with you one-on-one, or in groups, to help you on your spirital path. Below I have listed a number of topics areas you can explore.


Giraffe Magic

~ Empowering you with metaphysical wisdom and scientific knowledge to discover the SUPERnatural YOU!

I will utilize his scientific knowledge and research to complement his highly developed intuitive nature, to help you realize your inner obstacles and aid in removing the barriers for you to achieve a more compassionate and empowering understanding of YOU. Metaphysical laws and scientific research principles will be shared to allow you to enhance your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

The grounded and majestic Giraffe teaches you to express yourself with an innovative and a heightened perspective. His gentle, but grand presence generously shares the medicine of being humbly present with sincere intentions and higher awareness.


Spiritual Counseling

Personalized one-one-one active learning sessions to explore your limitless capabilities and plentiful possibilities. After an assessment, I will suggest an individualized program specific to your developmental needs.

1 one hour session for $85

3 one hour sessions for $240

5 one hour sessions for $385


  • Purposeful Manifestation ~ feeling with mind, body and soulful intentions. Master the use of a journal and specific tools to manifest based on science and metaphysic principles.


  • Valued Visualization ~ realization with conviction and certainty to manifest what your soul needs


  • Beneficial Affirmations ~ reprograming with gratitude and determination to affirm what you desire


  • Inner Knowing ~ remembers your intuitive nature and learn the body language to feel and sense your insights


  • Heightened Perceptions ~ expanding awareness and understanding of universal law


  • Conflict Resolution ~ self-forgiveness and self-compassion


  • Secure Boundaries ~ controlling you energy in relationships


  • Develop your ability to connect with your loved ones in spirit


  • Understanding your human energy field and the wisdom of your chakras



Metaphysical Workshops and Philosophical Lectures

Pensive and engaging presentations will inspire you with new perspectives and energetic solutions to enrich your mind, rouse your heart, befriend your higher self. See the above list of topics that you can explore in small groups. Pricing depends on the travel to your location or on Zoom, and the size of the group.


To schedule a session or learn more about Giraffe Magic, please email geof at

Geof Jowett
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