Heartening Signs from the Spirit World/Geof’s Monthly Message October, 2017
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Heartening Signs from the Spirit World/Geof’s Monthly Message October, 2017

Heartening Signs from the Spirit World

Each day, the World of Spirit shares with you, signs that they are with you, love you, encourage you, and bless you. Your loved ones in spirit, utilize objects associated with them or you, items that make sound, electronics like lights and phones, scents from the garden, home, or the kitchen, and most commonly items and creatures in nature.

Regularly, signs are offered, but you may get preoccupied with the activities of your daily life. Although spirit can influence technology, such as calling a phone, turning devices on and off, many times, it creates a difficult obstacle.  The technological devises of your life; smart phone, television, radio, or computer, can distract you from a specific visual, auditory, or sensory sign, crossing your path. I recommend for you to take some time, without technology, every day to be open to receive signs from your loved ones.

Allow me to share some recent signs, as I was finalizing my new manuscript on my twenty-five years as an intuitive medium. First, I was considering who to choose as a professional editor, and I had three phone interviews for the top candidates.  Although my intuition told me the third editor would provide the greatest support, I asked my friends, in spirit, to provide a sign. During the phone call with the third candidate, a humming bird hovered outside my office window for at least a minute; spirit communicating that  joy would come with working with this person and that they would have boundless endurance. I learned the editor’ company was ‘heart and soul’ publishing, which is a phrase I often use. Also, the editor uses a hummingbird within her logo.

My second major decision, was to determine which of the final two publishing companies I should select. My mind was leaning toward the publishing company with name recognition, but my heart felt strong with another well-known company. As I provided reading for two different clients, within days of me having to make my decision, one client explained that had a challenging experience with the well-known publisher of my mind, while the second client explained how she just published a novel with the second publishing company associated with my heart. Loved ones in spirit brought through the publishing choices, without my clients knowing my current circumstances, to help me choose.

The morning I was preparing to phone the publishing companies, with my choice, a beautiful blue dragonfly flew in front of me and floated for a moment as if to validate my choice. To me, a dragonfly brought the message of transforming consciousness, which I hope my new book will do, and the mysticism of the topic of mediumship. The blue color of the dragonfly, is associated with the throat chakra and self-expression of my story, which is the main idea of the book. Later that day, when I phoned the publisher’s representative I choose to work with, she explained about a recent book cover she was helping another author with, that used dragonflies, again affirming my choice.

The final sign came to me while walking through my neighborhood before bed. I asked my loved ones in spirit to affirm to me, with a sign, if I was on the right path with my mediumship book. A beautiful owl flew directly in front of me for two consecutive nights, and I have never encounter an owl before in my five years in the desert. My interpretation of the owl was a sign that I used my intuition and that I was to help others see the world unseen by most; the world of spirit.  Because the owls presented themselves from above, it had extra meaning to me about seeing and showing mediumship for the the vantage of higher consciousness.

I provide these examples, of signs, to encourage you to pay attention to the magical blessings gifted to you from the spirit world. It is essential that you use your gift of insight and intuition to recognize and feel the meaning of the sign, relative to the circumstances of your life. You are the best at interpreting your signs, by how they make you feel. Take time to realize the greater meaning of the sign and its context relative to your circumstances. May you be blessed with many wise and encouraging signs from the world of spirit! Namaste



Geof’s New Website

I welcome your comments and feedback on my new website. Thanks for your support and create a beautiful day.




Geof’s Upcoming Events



October 15 and 16: In-person readings in Walnut Creek

October 16: Developing Your Psychic Abilities with Ribbons Workshop/Walnut Creek, CA

*contact Geof for these events at mediumgeof@yahoo.com


October 18 -24: Aquarius Books and Gifts/Grants Pass, OR

October 18-20 and 23-24: In-person readings

October 21: Gallery Mediumship Demonstration

October 22: Developing Your Psychic Abilities with Ribbons Workshop

*contact Aquarius Books and Gifts at 541-479-4000 to register for any event


October 26 – 28: In-person readings in Santa Rosa, CA

*contact Geof for these events at mediumgeof@yahoo.com


November 11: Desert Yoga Therapy/Rancho Mirage, CA

1PM – 4PM Developing Your Intuition Workshop


November 19: The Sacred Journey/Riverside, CA

1PM – 5PM Developing Your Intuition Workshop

6:30PM- 8:00PM Gallery Mediumship Demonstration Event

*contact The Sacred Journey to reserve a seat at 951-786-9950

Geof Jowett
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