10 Jun June 2016 – Seeing Spirit With Your Heart
Seeing Spirit With Your Heart
Seeing is believing! This statement is only relative to you when you choose to limit your perspective to the physical world.
Believing is seeing! This declaration is much more relevant to sensing and experiencing the energies of the spiritual world and beyond.
To visit and observe the spiritual plane open your heart and sense it through your feelings. Feelings are the powerful combination of your emotions and your thoughts. Your heart chakra is the influential center within your energy field and it creates what Gregg Braden calls ‘belief waves’. Belief waves are influential signals, generated within your consciousness, that powerfully express who you are.
It is also important that you alter your awareness from your conscious mind (which focuses on your physical experience) to your subconscious mind (which is your psychic mind). Many times in your dream and meditative states you engage your subconscious mind. Thoughts encourage beliefs and create emotions to elevate your awareness.
If you believe is the afterlife, and that your soul survives the death of the physical body, then you are well on your way to witness eternity. To believe heartens your awareness to witness beyond the limitations of your physical nature. Accepting the idea that you are a spiritual being having a physical experience (rather then a physical being having a spiritual experience) allows you to subtlety sense the higher dimension of the spiritual plane.
I encourage you to take a few moments each day and sit in silence (or with inspirational music with no words). Many times, I sit quietly upon awakening or when I am on a hike in nature. First, release the cares of your day and image filling your heart chakra with a healing and harmonious green light. Just be for a moment. Allow whatever feeling surface within your heart center. Set the intention to sense the higher vibrations of spirit and welcome the loving energies of the higher dimension. Be open to receive that which best serves you with no judgment. You may want to journal your experience since the feelings and/or messages you receive might not made sense to you at the time.
You may see colors, vibrations, or feel strong impressions. Just as turning a kaleidoscope you can focus in on various shapes, textures, colors, or images. What you see is based on your level of belief, your perception, and your ability to set the intention to commune. The only limitation comes from your conscious mind.
With the daily practice of sitting quietly in the presence of your heart, with a calm mind, you can develop and trust in feeling the gentle hopeful and inspiring energies of spirit. As you journal your visits to the spiritual realm, be aware of what times of the day and which methods assist you most in connecting with your spirit friends. You may even find it helpful to have a meditative practice with a friend or family member.
Do not expect each attempt to communing with the higher plane of spirit to be successful or enlightening. The more you open your heart and relax your mind, and encourage a spiritual connection, the greater opportunity for you to witness spirit. See with your heart and believe that you are one with all souls. Enjoy your journey and know that you already see within in your soul. Namaste.
Medium Geof’s New Services
House Calls
I now offer house calls to clients in southern California (or if I am traveling to your area) for mediumship demonstration readings to groups of four or more. Demonstrations can complement parties, celebrations, dinners, or other social gatherings. Contact me at mediumgeof@yahoo.com to find out more about hosting a mediumship demonstration.
Mystical Mentorship Program
The purpose of the Mystical Mentorship Program is to share metaphysical ideas and the teachings of the masters, recommend resources, and to provide an opportunity to develop your understanding and enhance your philosophy of natural law. You can learn from the comfort of your own home one-on-one or with a small group of friends. Using my scientific knowledge, academic experience, and intuitive exploration I will encourage the use of developmental exercises and specific references that can help you achieve a higher level of spiritual awareness. Each one-hour session (in-person, Skype, or telephone) will be an active interaction of topics and review exercises assigned from previous session. Suggestions will be provided to help optimize your understanding and develop your innate spiritual ability. Each program is customized to your requests for inspiration, healing opportunities or enlightenment wishes to help you on your path toward higher consciousness and inner peace.
Chakra Balancing and Energy Alignment Hike
You may schedule an easy to moderate 1 – 3 mile(s) hike for 1 to 10 people in the sacred canyons of Palm Springs or arrange a hike in your area. Medium Geof will provide affirmations, prayers and exercises to balance your auras and align each chakras on the hike. To find out more about these healing hikes please contact Geof at mediumgeof@yahoo.com.
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