Mediumship Readings
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Mediumship Readings

The purpose of a mediumship reading is to connect you with your loved ones that have crossed over into the world of spirit and/or your spirit guides so that they can provide you with support, encouragement, and enlightenment.  Your loved ones in spirit, and your guides will provide insight and wisdom about matters such as; your soul agreement and karma, your career, relationships, family issues, your home, healing, your emotional, mental and physical health, and opportunities for you to grow, heal, and prosper. You are encouraged to have questions ready to ask during your readings.  Usually your loved ones will provide specific identifiers or signs to help you know that they are present and continuously communicating with you. Readings can be completed by phone, Zoom, FaceTime, Skype or in person.

Mediumship Gallery/Group readings

The purpose of a mediumship gallery reading is to connect you and a group of family members and/or friends with loved ones that have crossed over into the world of spirit and your spirit guides so that they can provide you with support, encouragement and enlightenment.  Your loved ones in spirit and your guides will provide insight and wisdom about matters such as; your soul agreement and karma, your career, relationships, family issues, your emotional, mental and physical health, and opportunities for you to grow, heal and prosper. You are encouraged to have questions ready to ask during your readings.  Usually your loved ones will provide specific identifiers or signs to help you know that they are present and continuously communicating with you. Gallery readings are usually scheduled at Geof’s home in Palm Springs, CA. Special gallery sessions can be arranged at your home and when Geof is traveling.