The Power of I AM Aligning the Energy Fields of Consciousness is to help you maintain a steady and balanced level of energy vibrations through each of your seven chakras so that you may be in harmony with love, peace and joy. Providing you with the knowledge that the essence of your being is a fully integrated energy system of consciousness, can help you to achieve your greatest potential. Each vibrating energy level contributes to your divine existence and perfect resonance of light. To harmonically align each energetic layer collectively, as a whole, is to bring balance, peace and joy to your awareness so that you may know Heaven.
The intention of The Power of I AM Aligning the Energy Fields of Consciousness is to help you to appreciate the magnificence of your energy body, and familiarize you with ways to balance and align your energy systems. This book was deliberately written in first person, so that you could read and energetically declare these words as affirmations. The precise text is presented succinctly for ease of use and convenience. It is my hope that when reading these words, you can resonate with a higher frequency, and your consciousness will harmonize with truth.
Carolyn –
Best, most helpful book I’ve read on chakras! Easy to read with very rich insights, full of information in a compact book.. Clear, concise, includes archetypes for each of the chakras, and suggestions, affirmations, prayers, colors and music to balance chakras. A great tool to be referred to many times, a real jewel!
Geof Jowett –
Thanks kindly!