What’s Cooking in Heaven Grandma?
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What’s Cooking in Heaven Grandma?



The purpose of What’s Cooking in Heaven Grandma? book is to share the healing and inspirational wisdom of our grandmas who offer us recipes for a good and happy life from Heaven. Grandmas help us to believe in our dreams and are our angels on earth and our heavenly angels once they crossover to their rocking chair in Heaven.

As an intuitive medium, Geof shares his magnificent talent to help people reconnect with their grandmothers recalling the treasured moments shared with grandma and to offer hope for a continuous relationship. Beautifully inspiring messages are provided from the hundreds of people who have employed Geof to chat with their grandmas from Heaven. The wisdom of our grandmas in Heaven is expressed with the use of the seven chakra system and the corresponding archetypical patterns of consciousness, as creatively presented as a seven course meal for the soul.

Many grandmas that communicate through readings offer recipes for living a Heavenly life on earth. Using cooking analogies grandmas may choose to offer their wisdom on love and respect of self, relationships, family relations, service to family, personal faith and belief, and health and well-being. Even if your grandma was not a cook, she was always cooking up something. The secret recipes that mom keeps hidden in her little tin treasure chest contain a history of love and caring instructions handed down through the ages of time. Your grandma will offer you nutrition for your heart and Spirit – soul food so to speak.

“Grandma’s kitchen timer is ringing—it is time to remove the worldly illusions from your mind and grab a BIG spoon to sip healthy and warm spiritual truths. Throw the illusions of the world into the garbage can, recognize, and express the sacred truth of your higher self: the eternal God Force you are. Be more aware of the ingenious thoughts cooking within and become conscientious of your actions to produce a tasty, hearty, and fulfilling existence.”

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