September 2016 – Celebrate Your Spirit!
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September 2016 – Celebrate Your Spirit!


Celebrate Your Spirit

“Our opportunity is to Soar our Spirit.

To see Light and Joy in everything.

To spread our wings and fly boldly.

To give thanks for rainbows and butterflies –

our symbols of renewal and rebirth.

To offer daily Thanksgiving – for ourselves, our family,

our friends, our community, for the whole world.”

~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie

You are more then your physical being….you are spirit! Rejoice in the divine and sacred aspect of your being. I share this message with you because in the last year I have witnessed the inner confusion of so many between the inner voice, the soft voice of your spirit, with the load and persistent fearful ego shouting (and believe me I am with you on this struggle!).

Within you is the holiest of all temples, your heavenly spirit. It patiently and calmly waits for your attention to guide you back to peace and joy. Your spirit is your most compassionate friend, your master teacher, your wisest healer, and your most caring companion. It is your foundation of love and grace and reminds you that you are one with Source.

Your soul freely and openly selected to participate in the illusionary dreams of the physical world. What this means is that you return to the earth plane to master detachment from that which is not real and to align with the truth of who you are. Many gurus remind us that what seems real and tangible to our physical body is really the effect of our thoughts. That which you cannot see and touch with your physical body is where truth is found.

The Little Prince said, “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.”(Antoine de Saint-Expery, the author of The Little Prince). What is real is what you feel with your heart within your being. This message is not new, but is important to remind yourself to go within to visit your best buddy: your spirit.

One of the greatest joys of doing spiritual readings is to compassionately listen to my higher self and the clever and sensible voices of so many spirits constantly encouraging us to find peace and blessings us with their love. And always, always showing the sanctified signs of rainbows and butterflies as you heal, evolve, and remember your spirit. Celebrate your spirit today! Namaste


Medium Geof’s Autumn Special

 Charka Balancing and Aura Alignment Reading Special (60 minutes offered at $75 through Oct. 30.) Contact Geof and refer to the monthly message special to qualify.

The purpose of a Chakra Balancing and Energy Alignment Readings is to scan your energy body and determine where you are imbalanced so that harmony can be returned to this aspect of your energy being.



Medium Geof’s New Services


Understanding the Energy Dynamics of the Auric Field Workshop

The purpose of this workshop is to appreciate the anatomy and physiology of your energy field, and its components, such as your etheric, emotional, mental, astral and soul bodies. Leaning to sense and understand the aura field and its purpose. Interact and share with participants on how to release the emotions, thoughts, and beliefs that cause dysfunction in your life, and disrupt the natural flow of energy within your aura. And most importantly, practice how to align your energy field to promote good physical, emotional, and metal health and well being through meditation, self-reflection, and conscious exercises. The workshop can be designed for 2 hours, 4 hours, one day or two days.


 House Calls

 I now offer house calls to clients in southern California (or if I am traveling to your area) for mediumship demonstration readings to groups of four or more. Demonstrations can complement parties, celebrations, dinners, or other social gatherings. Contact me at to find out more about hosting a mediumship demonstration.


 Mystical Mentorship Program

Program Topics:

  • Developing Your Intuition (5 sessions for $350)
  • Mastering Your Energy Body (6 sessions for $350)
  • Communicating with Spirit (5 sessions for $350)

The purpose of the Mystical Mentorship Program is to share metaphysical ideas and the teachings of the masters, recommend resources, and to provide an opportunity to develop your understanding and enhance your philosophy of natural law.  You can learn from the comfort of your own home one-on-one or with a small group of friends. Using my scientific knowledge, academic experience, and intuitive exploration I will encourage the use of developmental exercises and specific references that can help you achieve a higher level of spiritual awareness. Each one-hour session (in-person, Skype, or telephone) will be an active interaction of topics and review exercises assigned from previous session. Suggestions will be provided to help optimize your understanding and develop your innate spiritual ability. Each program is customized to your requests for inspiration, healing opportunities or enlightenment wishes to help you on your path toward higher consciousness and inner peace.

Geof Jowett
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