02 Apr Spirit Directs the Reading ~ Geof’s Monthly Message for April, 2018
Spirit Directs the Reading
As a spiritual medium, I work on behalf of your loved ones in spirit. Spirit has the greatest role in conveying messages and controlling the content of your reading.
Your loved ones in spirit can telepathically guide you to a specific medium, knowing that that medium has the ability to most clearly communicate their messages. They also have a ‘knowing’ of when it is a good time for your to receive messages, that can direct, support, encourage, heal, and enlightened you.
As you sit for a reading, your loved ones know, which spirits are best at providing the insight that your soul seeks. I have found that spirits that have been in the spirit world for longer times, tend to present first for the sitter, since they have the most experience knowing how to lower their vibrations to convey messages. I also find it comforting learning that your loved ones are met by other members of their soul family, that can orient them in the spirit world.
Your loved ones in spirit have distinct roles in the support and encouragement for you and much of the communications has to do with what you are experiencing at that very time. For example, your maternal grandma in spirit may support you in your role as a parent, while your paternal grandfather may encourage you in your career or the healing your soul seeks in this lifetime. What is certain, whatever is most important to your current life situations (even if you are consciously unaware of it) will be the main topic of presentation by spirit.
The sequence in which your loved ones in spirit present themselves is a message in itself. Often, a spirit wants to present another family member in spirit to support the notion that family members are together in the afterlife.
Spirits often come through in pairs or small groups. This is especially meaningful since there is a hidden message within their grouping. Often I find that family members that were in conflict or had great affections, for each other, tend to present to demonstrate that they have healed from their guilt, anger, fear, or shame.
Recently, I communicated to a sitter that her mother and father came through and they were dancing to Big Band music. The sitter explained that her father left her mother when she was a child and never provided any support. She was upset that her mom was spending time with her absent father. But father in spirit was communicating that mom had forgiven him, as he forgave himself, and they were both free. The sitter was still stuck in the hell of anger and resentment. As the sitter processed her reading more, she remembered that her mom told her that her greatest memory of the her father was when they were in love and danced every Saturday night to Big band music.
Spirit knows what is in the best interest and healing of your soul at any given time. Be open to receive their messages and take time to process the creative and wise communications that they present. We are truly blessed to have sensible, devoted and caring loved ones in spirit, to help us on our earthbound journey.
Please see Geof’s New Book available on his website, I Universe, and Amazon.
Lasting Impressions A Medium’s Cherished Messages from Spirit
Testimonial for my new book:
Your instincts may have “coincidentally” led you to check out this book if you are on a path of discovering more about yourself and your place in the universe.
“On earth as it is in heaven” is part of a prayer suggesting we are eternally connected to the Source and thus to “all that is.” Science, through the study of quantum physics, is bringing us closer and closer to this spiritual truth.
This book will give you touching insights into one part of that cosmic dance: the relationship between the spirit world (including pets and signs from nature), you who seek to connect, and the medium who facilitates the connection.
Especially insightful for me were the illustrations of “on earth and in heaven.” The expressions of love, and sometimes forgiveness, from our “soul family” in the spirit world can be very healing for those of us here on earth. But equally helpful and healing are the love, understanding, and sometimes forgiveness that we project to those continuing their spiritual journey in heaven. ~Neal Rzepkowski, MD Registered medium and 2017/18 president of the Lily Dale Assembly, the international center for spiritualism, Lily Dale, NY
Special book promotion:
Post a photo with you and my book (and tag me) on social media Facebook Geoffrey Jowett or Mediumgeof on Instagram) and the to two creative posts get a free psychic ribbon reading. Offer expires April 30
Geof’s Upcoming Events
April 7th The Sacred Journey ~ Riverside, CA
1:00 – 4:00 Develop your Intuition for Spirit Communication Workshop
4:30 – 5:30 .Book Lecture and Signing ~ Lasting Impressions
6:30 – 8:00pm Gallery Mediumship Demonstration/ An Evening with Spirit
April 13th Awakenings Center for Conscious Living ~ Laguna Hills, CA
4:30 – 5:30 .Book Lecture and Signing ~ Lasting Impressions
6:30 – 8:00pm Gallery Mediumship Demonstration/ An Evening with Spirit
April 14th Studio Pilates ~ El Segundo, CA
12-1pm Book Signing
1 – 4pm Develop your Intuition for Spirit Communication Workshop
April 28th Mystical Journey Books ~ Venice, CA
4:30 – 6:00 .Book Lecture and Signing ~ Lasting Impressions
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